Medical Coding Employment Readiness Workshop

Turn Adversity Into Advantage

The Top 10 Obstacles And How To Resolve Them


On Demand For Convenient Review
LIVE Support 7 Days A Week From Highly Experienced Hiring Decision Makers 

No Expiration For On Demand Access

Discount Ends In

500 to1,000 Newly Certified Coders
Enter The Employment Market Each Month! 
Gain Your Competitive Advantage!

Employment Search Assistance

How are you standing out as the best candidate?
Is anyone helping you actively seek roles?
What do you offer that other candidates do not?
Are you proficient in the range of tasks expected for a role?
Do you fully understand the needs and criteria of the hiring organization?

Our Friends At

Medical Coding

Will Provide A Voucher
For 1

AAOMCP Helps You Search For Opportunity!

3 Registrants Have Already Obtained Interviews |  42 Registrants We Are Hard At Work Searching Open Positions

UPDATE! One Of Our Registrants Has An Offer Of Employment!

Passed Your Exam Only To Be Left On Your Own?

You Are Not Alone!

You Need The Competitive Advantage Of Experienced Insight And The Tools To Move Forward!

You have invested significant time, money, and effort to become certified.
What does each day that you are not earning to recover that investment cost you?

$18 / hour X 8 = $144
$20 / hour X 8 = $160
$25 / hour X 8 = $200

$720 - $1,000 per week (or more) in lost earnings

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The Interview

A few sample questions - The reality is that you could be asked any question, on any topic, and your success in the interview is heavily reliant on your ability to answer, and how you answer if you do not know.

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You passed your exam (date), what have you done to remain proficient since then? 
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Where in the EMR would you go to find (interviewer gives the data point)?
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Can you provide 3 elements from each of the following code sets that are essential understanding for a medical coder. CPT, HCPCS< and ICD 10 CM?
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An established patient visits their PCP for follow up of DM, HTN, and HLD and notes that all are stable. The provider advises the patient to continue their listed medications and follow up in 3 months. What would the E and M code be?

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You are coding an appendectomy, and the approach is not documented. What should you do?

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Where (specifically) would you find the following instructions:
  • Code only confirmed cases of HIV infection/illness.
  • Z codes are for use in any healthcare setting
  • If a definitive diagnosis has not been established by the end of the encounter, it is appropriate to report codes for sign(s) and/or symptom(s) in lieu of a definitive diagnosis.
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Do you have anyone that we may contact to speak to your knowledge, skills, and ability to code? As well as your ability to address coding challenges? 

About The Workshop

Scroll Down For Full Agenda And Bonus Content

Who Should Attend:
  • Newly certified Medical Coders with little or no experience.
  • Healthcare organization hiring decision makers that welcome newly certified Medical Coders
  • Medical Coding Mentors
  • Medical Coders (even experienced) struggling with employment search
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  • Highly experienced hiring decision makers
  • Inexperienced Medical Coders that have recently achieved successful opportunities
  • Recruiters have been invited
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Workshop Objectives:
  • Provide critical tools, resources, and information that inexperienced Medical Coders lack
  • Equip participants with strategies to gain practical experience in medical coding.
  • Develop effective job search skills for the medical coding field.
  • Increase participants' confidence in their ability to land their first coding job.
  • Developing an effective resume even without experience
  • Succeeding in interviews
  • Passing pre-employment assessments
  • Making the case to be hired, even when there are more experienced candidates
  • Much, much more

All Registrants Receive

Be found on a dedicated search site for potential employers that will hire the inexperienced.

Self Practice Cases

Cases from every section of coding for self-practice skills building.
Show employers that you are not sitting idle.

Question Support
For 6 Months With Weekly Webinar Access

Free question support at for 6 months.
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Exclusive weekly web conferences to advance your search and provide resources.


Checklists, Fact Sheets, Tools and Resources

2 Surprise Gifts Valued At Over $1,000


  • E and M Coding Review
  • Wound Repair Coding
  • Injection and Infusion Coding  * 1 CEU From CSS Medical Coding
  • Critical Care Coding
  • Introduction To HCC Coding
  • Sample Pre-Employment Assessment

Douglas Palmer

Doug is the CEO of AAOMCP and has over 33 years experience aa a Medical Coder, Hiring Decision Maker, Educator / Mentor, and Executive in the field.
He has facilitated thousands of Medical Coders in learning, certification, and career development.
He has worked with Medical Practices of all specialties and sizes as well as some of the largest organizations in the industry, both in healthcare delivery and payers.
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