Non Healthcare Income Options

Many can generate recurring income with low time and effort commitment

Write your awesome label here.

Few Things Could Be Simpler Than Amazon Taking Care  Of The Heavy Lifting While You Earn

A unique t shirt design can earn you income daily. How much? No way to know until your concept is placed out for purchase. 
What is clear is, it is extremely low risk, low time demand, and an appealing product can generate great income. Multiple products can also generate great income, even if they don't go "viral"! 

Are You In A Significant Tourist Location?
Tours Can Be Incredibly Profi

Walking Tours, Van Tours, Foodie Tours, Local Sites, Scavenger Hunt Tours, and more can generate a weeks pay in a single day.
25 tourists @ $50 = $1,250
Scavenger Hunt Tours can be designed without the need for physically guiding tours and are ideal for groups and even viral public competition.

National Days 

There are well over a thousand designated days, weeks, and months.
Creative assets such as images and videos can be created and sold to businesses.

One template sold for $40 to 1 business in each state = $2,000
1 "Day" per month = $24,000
5 days per month = $120,000

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