HCC Coding
Mock Exam
Test your knowledge with the program that has over 7,000 successful certifications and a 98% exam success rate
When paired with our Industry Leading Training, success on this mock exam has over 98% success indicator of success on the popular HCC Coding certification (CRC®) exam.
Don't leave it to chance. Be prepared for success not only on the exam but in the real world environment and workflows.
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Take As Many Times As Desired.
Special Training Included Offer
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Explore Risk Adjustment HCC Coding Program
9 Modules
Tools and Resources
Support 365 days a year
Looking For Training?
Do you know that the Self-Proclaimed Leader that charges thousands for their courses provides information that is u to 8 years obsolete on their website?
About The Mock Exam
AAOMCP has been providing the most comprehensive and successful training long before a certification existed.
Our team has worked in Risk Adjustment since Risk Adjustment began.
Our training has been used my some of the major health plans to train their staff.
Our mock exam has been a highly reliable indicator of success on the actual exam.
No Expiration.
Take As Many Times As Desired.
Our team has worked in Risk Adjustment since Risk Adjustment began.
Our training has been used my some of the major health plans to train their staff.
Our mock exam has been a highly reliable indicator of success on the actual exam.
No Expiration.
Take As Many Times As Desired.
36 Hours ONLY - Course Modules and Support INCLUDED!
Course Lessons
Lesson series
Snap Shot of HCC Coding
Interested in Risk Adjustment and HCC Coding? Enjoy this snap shot of what an HCC Coder does, why, and how. Also gain an understanding of the importance of the impact of the HCC Coders work.
Lesson series
AHA Coding Clinic®
What Every Coder Must Know
The use of ICD 10 is required by HIPAA and that does mean full adherence to all aspects of ICD-10. Enjoy this module from the industry leader is Risk Adjustment and HCC Training.
Lesson series
Introduction to Risk Adjustment and HCC Coding
No HCC / Risk Adjustment Coding video has more views on YouTube. 41,915 as of May 2023.